Monday, December 9, 2019

As the sun rises

Woke up thinking it was going to be a horrible run, but it turned out great! Pacing was good, weather was😱🥶😭 but I felt better than last week thanks to my new pants from the hubby💛! 
My goal this stretch/race is to push my anaerobic threshold to 15 miles so 13.1 is "easy". I felt good at 10, so I decided to stick with the plan and run for 90 minutes instead of running for miles. I think I will try this for the next couple of long runs to see how it feels.

Running has become therapeutic. In a world where people snap off at the mouth, where they don't truly have anything to look forward to each day, and find solace in things that truly won't bring them authentic joy, I relish in these miles when it's just me and the road. As soon as this run is over, I will go back to being "Mommy, MOMmy, MOMMY, so for now I will appreciate this moment to myself. A moment to collect my thoughts, a moment to laugh at myself, and a moment to dream about all of the things that I still want.

You learn a lot about yourself, and what you will and will accept from others when the sun is coming up. You also get to see a world that most people miss as they're sleeping away in their beds.  Don't get me wrong, a nice warm bed sounds cozy, but I'd rather be out running, and watching the world conquer the new day.

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